7131 1/2 W Sunset Blvd / Los Angeles, CA, 90046(310) 360-0544

Muay Thai & Kickboxing

The popular Muay Thai & Kickboxing program at Hollywood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has world champion instruction and attracts everything from professional fighters, to fashion models, to studio execs looking to keep in shape and learn a lethal striking art while they’re at it. Our program at Hollywood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a mix of western style boxing, and traditional Muay Thai Kickboxing. We believe that this is the ideal mix for mixed martial arts practitioners and those looking for a great workout.

Muay Thai Kickboxing is well known for their devastating leg kicks and the power of their clinch in utilizing knee strikes. The Thai’s are big on conditioning and believe that mental toughness and endurance are the keys to success in the fight game. One thing is certain, practitioners of Muay Thai Kickboxing will get in phenomenal shape. The mix of western style boxing with Muay Thai gives the students at Hollywood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu a huge advantage in their striking game.

At Hollywood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we believe that standing in front of a mirror and lifting weights or mindless cardio workouts are a thing of the past. Our goal is to provide a fun and engaging way of getting in great shape, while also learning a powerful form of self defense. For women, Kickboxing and boxing programs are extremely popular. However, most gyms offer only a cardio kickboxing program.

At Hollywood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you will not be simply placed in front of a bag and instructed by a local aerobics teacher. No, at our gym, you will be taught by a World Champion instructor, who will give you all the tools necessary to learn and excel at these great sports. On average, you will burn between 700 and 800 calories per hour session!!!!


